Force Majeure
An Act of God
by Eli Blumenfeld

Young and ambitious, Keith Boren is determined to set the world on fire. Little does he suspect that the world is waiting for him, ready to greet him on its own terms.

Keith Boren is a tax lawyer, who at 29 years of age is highly regarded in the legal tax community. His story begins in Santa Monica, California where, after working in the Judge Advocate's Office in the United States Navy and as a Senior Trial Attorney with the Department of Justice, he leaves the Department under a cloud of suspicion, not of his own doing. He is determined to erase that "cloud" and in the process obtain financial freedom that would not have been possible working for the United States Government.

The book draws the reader into Keith's unexpected participation in a colossal tax conspiracy involving the Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service and a group of individuals devoid of all moral principles, whose only value is the dollar. The group is intent on controlling the United States Income Tax structure and almost succeeds. Keith sees no way out of the conspiracy until a Force Majeure (An Act of God) intervenes and throws his life into a turmoil, and in the process sets the stage that requires Keith to apply all of his skills and creativity to save his life and keep him from going to prison.

Keith Boren was trapped with no way out of the conspiracy until the intervention of a Force Majeure.